131 Oak Meadow Dr., Pataskala, OH 43062

From Milestones to Missed Moments: How Undiagnosed ADHD Can Fuel Depression

We all know that feeling of falling short. The missed deadlines, the unfinished projects, the naggingsense that we just can’t quite seem to get it together. But for those with undiagnosed ADHD(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), this feeling can become a relentless companion,whispering doubts and chipping away at self-esteem. This, in turn, can pave the way […]

Utilizing the Gestalt Therapy Chair Technique to Address  Anxiety

Anxiety. That unwelcome companion that whispers worries, tightens your chest, and steals yourfocus. We all experience it from time to time, but for some, anxiety can become a constant,debilitating force. Thankfully, there are effective tools to manage anxiety, and one powerfultechnique comes from the world of Gestalt therapy: the Empty Chair Technique.What is the Empty […]

Why Anhedonia Remains a Treatment Challenge in Depression

Depression is a complex illness characterized by a web of emotional, physical, and cognitivesymptoms. Among these, anhedonia – the loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed –stands out as particularly stubborn to treatment. Unlike low mood or fatigue, anhedonia directlyimpacts the ability to experience joy, leaving individuals feeling emotionally numb and disconnectedfrom life’s […]

Nurturing Mental Well-Being: Understanding the Mental Health-Informed Workplace

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression and anxiety incur a $1 trillion cost tothe global economy. As such, employers are realizing that fostering a supportive environment formental well-being not only benefits employees but also contributes to the overall success andproductivity of the organization. Destigmatizing Mental Health IssuesDestigmatizing mental health in the workplace necessitates […]

Exploring War with Young Minds: Nurturing Understanding and Empathy

War—a topic laden with complexity and emotion, is often difficult for adults to comprehend, let alone children. However, addressing war with young minds is essential, albeit challenging. How can we engage in these conversations with sensitivity and honesty, guiding children to understand the world’s complexities while nurturing empathy and understanding? Tailoring the Conversation Tailoring the […]

What is a Parasocial Relationship?

In the age of digital connectivity, the lines between personal and mediated experiences have blurred, giving rise to a fascinating yet complex phenomenon—parasocial relationships. In fact, with how commonplace it’s become, some media personalities don’t just allow the formation of parasocial relationships but encourage it – using their appeal as a means to market themselves […]

Signs of Relationship Burnout

In the journey of love, every couple faces challenges, but when the struggles start to outweigh the joys, and exhaustion replaces excitement, it might be a sign of relationship burnout. When left unaddressed, it could lead to the relationship souring and in a worst-case scenario, you may end it on a bad note. But burnout […]

Unlocking Transformation: The Efficacy of Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is an innovative therapy that combines the benefits of ketamine, a dissociative anesthetic, with traditional psychotherapeutic methods, offering a unique and powerful tool for mental health professionals. Understanding Ketamine Assisted PsychotherapyKAP involves the administration of a carefully controlled dose of ketamine under the supervision of a trained therapist. Ketamine, known for […]

Unraveling the Silent Struggle: Understanding Emotional Neglect

When it comes to mental health, emotional neglect stands as a silent and often overlooked form of trauma. It manifests when individuals, particularly in childhood, don’t receive the emotional support and validation they need. Unlike overt abuse, emotional neglect operates quietly, leaving lasting impacts on emotional well-being. Let’s delve into what emotional neglect is, its […]

What is Digital Fatigue?

The term ‘digital fatigue’ has become increasingly prevalent. It’s easy to pass it off as something that doesn’t hold much weight, but digital fatigue can  the average person’s well-being. Let’s take a look at what digital fatigue is and what you can do about it. Defining Digital FatigueDigital fatigue, also known as tech fatigue or digital […]