Eating disorders are often portrayed as a battle with food, but beneath the surface lies a complex web of emotions. While societal pressures and unrealistic beauty standards can undoubtedly contribute, the emotional roots of eating disorders run deep. Understanding...
An average of 16 veterans commit suicide every day, showing a high prevalence of PTSD in these individuals [1]. Today, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has become a debilitating mental health condition that plagues up to 30% of veterans following their service...
Newborn bliss? Not always. While postpartum depression (PPD) is often associated with mothers, fathers can also experience this emotional rollercoaster. Society often paints a picture of the ecstatic new dad, but the reality can be far more complex. Here’s why dads...
Ever feel like your brain is overloaded? You meticulously choose your morning coffee, agonize over the perfect outfit, then reach the office only to struggle with even the simplest tasks? This might be decision fatigue at play. What is Decision Fatigue? Imagine your...
The arrival of a newborn is a joyous occasion, a time filled with anticipation and promises of a brightfuture. Yet, past the baby coos and celebratory greetings, a silent struggle can unfold for some newmothers – postpartum anxiety. Unlike the more recognized “baby...
First responders – firefighters, police officers, EMTs – are the cornerstone of our safety net. Theybravely face danger head-on, confronting traumatic events on a regular basis. However, the weightof these experiences can take a toll, leading to post-traumatic stress...