Decision Fatigue: When Your Brain Says “Enough!”

Decision Fatigue: When Your Brain Says “Enough!”

Ever feel like your brain is overloaded? You meticulously choose your morning coffee, agonize over the perfect outfit, then reach the office only to struggle with even the simplest tasks? This might be decision fatigue at play. What is Decision Fatigue? Imagine your...

Creating a Trauma-Informed Workplace

Creating a Trauma-Informed Workplace

The hustle and bustle of the office environment can eventually break down even the most resilient employees. Beyond deadlines and meetings, many employees carry invisible burdens – the aftereffects of past traumas. While work shouldn’t be a haven for personal...

Why Anhedonia Remains a Treatment Challenge in Depression

Why Anhedonia Remains a Treatment Challenge in Depression

Depression is a complex illness characterized by a web of emotional, physical, and cognitivesymptoms. Among these, anhedonia – the loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed –stands out as particularly stubborn to treatment. Unlike low mood or fatigue,...

What is a Parasocial Relationship?

What is a Parasocial Relationship?

In the age of digital connectivity, the lines between personal and mediated experiences have blurred, giving rise to a fascinating yet complex phenomenon—parasocial relationships. In fact, with how commonplace it’s become, some media personalities don’t just allow the...


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